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Bitterness over the sweetness, the outward bound training program has benefited for a lifetime.

source:http://en.sunevap.cn/news70613.html   release time:2019-4-24 15:53:00

On April 24, 2015, the general manager, middle and senior managers and some grass-roots employees of Shenzhen Ruishenghua Science and Technology Co., Ltd. went to Huizhou Professional Quality Development Base to participate in a two-day development training. Mr. Zhang Xiaojiang, the general manager of the company, personally led the team and shared the joys and sorrows with the staff. With the cooperation of all the team members, the development has been successful and the cohesion of the enterprise has been unprecedented enhanced.

At the beginning of development, the coaches were randomly divided into four groups. In the next two days, the four groups competed with each other and launched a fierce competition. Expansion projects include jointly advancing and retreating, Warring States situation, responsible persons, overcoming the graduation wall and so on. On the evening of April 24, Mr. Zhang Xiaojiang made a special exposition on the company's corporate culture in the form of a symposium, emphasizing the company's vision - beautifying the environment and living happily. The staff also spoke actively and the atmosphere was quite active. In the process of training, strict military management was implemented. Everyone forgot his position, rank and age. He cried and laughed together, worked hard together, and finally successfully completed each challenge. The final project - graduation wall, 8 minutes and 05 seconds test the cooperation and execution ability of our whole group, and push this expansion to a climax in mutual assistance and speed.

This outward activity enhances the understanding among employees, lays a foundation for the smooth development of future work, but also exposes some problems existing in the company, and guides the direction for the improvement of the company's internal management in the future.

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